Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Can you spare me some change?

Yesterday I got harassed by a homeless man while waiting for the bus because I didn't give him any change. He asked me where I was going and when I refused to tell him, he placed his face a foot away from my own and stared me down. I still didn't give him any change.

Even if I did carry cash on myself, which I never do, HE would be the last person I would feel inclined to give money to. I don't know if that makes me a bad person or not, but he really could've been more polite about the whole situation too.

I always seem to attract the wierdos.

It's not that I don't feel bad for homeless people, but what about being homeless entitles someone to beg strangers for money? What gives homeless people the right to disregard manners and ask people for handouts? I mean, would you ask your family for money to pay off your debt, let alone a stranger?

If I were homeless, I'd at least perform for money--something.

All I know is that if I were homeless, I wouldn't be a booze-guzzling, disease-ridden, money-begging stereotype. And, I wouldn't get up in 19 year olds' faces and give them the "stink eye" (and stink breath.)